Lately I have been struggling to keep my "green" theme going because frankly, there are so many other topics I would like to cover as well. Maybe I should start another blog or three but then I would have absolutely zero time to raise my beautiful twin boys (who are taking up all of my time anyway). So I think to myself, would my readers be upset if I inserted a couple of "off topic posts"? Would I be defeating the purpose of my original mission? Well...I don't care. I am breaking the rules. Screw it.
Lately, or rather in the past couple of years, I have noticed that many people are putting bumper stickers on the back of their SUV's and minivans. These are not your old fashioned political, racial, or my kid is an honor student bumper stickers. These are stickers denoting places that they've been to or wish they've been to (acronyms with 2 or 3 big letters), monograms and my personal favorite, stick figures of their entire family and their current professions. Now seriously people, what are you trying to prove with these lovely bumper stickers? Is it possible that you want everyone in the world to know where you vacation, your initials and how many members are in your family including pets like dogs and birds? TMI to the tenth degree.
We are living in a world where information is so readily available that we forget about protecting ourselves and our families. We believe that every one's intentions are good because ours are - right? WRONG. I don't need to know these things nor do I want to stare at it as I sit in traffic on the downtown connector.
Its so easy to look someone up online and find out their basic and even detailed personal information. It all depends on how much money you want to spend. A recent site like this scared me and I took the time to remove my listing from the site. Its Check yourself on that site and see what you find out. Some of it is wrong but some of it is frighteningly accurate. We as individuals are losing our mystery. Its all out there for the taking and we are relishing in marketing it, on our cars, on Facebook and other social media sites. How many times will I have to read another status update about someone leaving for vacation and telling the world that they will be gone for 10 days? Great! Now all I need is your address and I am golden!
Come on! Lets not put ourselves in danger. Lets start using our brains. Take the stick figures and the monograms off the car. Especially the young college girls who are vulnerable to stalkers as it is. No need to advertise which car is yours, honey. Keep a low profile and you'll be safer.
Plus, I find myself annoyed when I see a sticker with three letters than I can't for the life of me figure out where its from. Help me save my brain from being overworked, people. OK? thanks.
Amen lady! I am in the midst of going through what people can find out about me online. I miss the mystery as well! Oh, and I love that you are going off topic, although you are the reason that I have become organic and green:)