Monday, July 9, 2012

Green Solutions For Those On the Go!

So now that I have this juicer and I must say I am pretty addicted to it, I make juices all the time. In the morning I create a nice blend of kiwi, mango, pinapple and coconut milk which makes me feel like I am back in Bora Bora. In the afternoon I concoct my veggie detox with cucumbers, celery, carrots, kale, ginger and an apple. Most of the time I am in between errands or playdates and I don't have time to sit and drink this delicious goodness at home. So I take my juice on the go with me in a nasty plastic container that over time collects bacteria and breaks down releasing toxins that harm the human body. I realize that this is probably not a good idea and would love to take my juice in a regular glass since glass is the best container of them all, but how? I have attemped to before and just wound up with juice all over me and the inside of my car. Trust me, not fun.

Well, I just got reconnected with an old college friend through Facebook of all places and realized very quickly that we shared the same passion for all things green. I was very excited to learn that she (besides being the mother of 4 beautiful children) has started her own "green" company called GreenPaxx. This company is what every giant consumer packaged goods company should strive to be. Its environmentally conscious and manufactures products that are completely non-toxic. The idea is to cut down on all the disposable and non-biodegradable plastic that collects in our landfills every single day. GreenPaxx has developed reusable straws and lids that fit all standard drinking glasses. These lids do not slip off. They are perfect for on-the-go or for kids. They are easy to use and easy to clean. Made of non-toxic silicone, these lids and straws solve a problem for us busy but healthy adults/parents and for our environment. I would use the straws with or with out the caps for whenever I need a straw. Think about all the waste that would be avoided by keeping an extra straw and cap in your purse at all times?

I don't think the average person realizes how much plastic is going into landfills and our oceans every day. Do you know there is a plastic "garbage" zone in the middle of the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas? Seriously, the size of TEXAS. As that plastic breaks down, the petrol inside of the plastic pellets release toxic gases, killing all the wildlife. This is the human footprint. Not enough people believe that their daily actions contribute to this huge problem.

If we all just took baby steps and looked for ways to reuse products that we would normally consider disposable we would be making change in the right direction. GreenPaxx is doing just that. Its so exciting to see new companies with such enviromentally conscious missions. I wish the bigger companies would make the move to more sustainable packaging and ingredients. The only way that can happen is if we choose for them. Remember, its the consumers that have the power. With every purchase, we cast our vote. Let's cast it wisely.

Please check out GreenPaxx and think about trying out one of their really cool products. You will certainly feel good about your purchase and you will be setting a great example for those around you!

1 comment:

  1. i will definitely check out Green Paxx! Thanks. Eco-Consultants help to grow the green movement by teaching people how to save money in their homes, purchase more sustainable products, keep their families healthy and away from toxins. You can learn exactly how to become an ECo-Consultant with Eco Institution's online curriculum.
