Sunday, October 6, 2013

How I Healed My Son's Tourette's Syndrome (Part II)

It was May 2013 and I joined an on-line forum where people were healing their children from TS and all sorts of other neurological issues. The forum is called Latitudes and has been a source of invaluable information for me. After reading many of the threads on that site for hours on end I realized I needed to take Cole to a holistic physician. Thankfully his pediatrician was well aware of one in our area and passed her information on to me.

In early May we visited Dr. Tasneem Bhatia. She has written a pretty famous book called What Doctors Eat and has appeared on the Dr. Oz show many times. According to her she has seen what Cole was experiencing in many children and has been able to heal them. She knows there is a connection and something bigger going on in our environment and its just a matter of time before we figure it out and are able to prevent TS from happening in the first place.

The big concept that I was able to wrap my head around (and many may not agree with me) is that there really is no such thing as Tourette's Syndrome, per see. TS is just the body's way of saying, "Hey something is not right in here and I am going to let you know about it!".

Dr. Taz (as we affectionately call her) saw Cole and did some testing using Chinese medicine techniques that showed a major weakness in Cole's immune system. She suspected (but did not know for sure) that Cole had something called leaky gut.

You may have heard of leaky gut. I know I did and was actually fearing a diagnosis like this because with leaky gut comes major diet changes and since Cole was a dreadful eater, just the thought of removing his favorites gave me anxiety. Leaky gut is a term they use when someones immune system (their gut or small intestines) become permeable and toxins can cross over into the body and actually cause damage to other systems most likely the nervous system since it has such close ties to the gut. In fact, I have heard the gut referred to as the "second brain" because of massive amount of nerves that are located in and around it.

So Cole at this point maybe had leaky gut but why? Dr. Taz's first thoughts were food allergies and she had a food intolerance and sensitivity panel taken on Cole  at our 2nd appointment. I want to be clear that there is a difference between a full blown food allergy and an intolerance. Cole had no signs of food allergies at all. His poops were beautiful, he never broke out in hives or had any signs of anaphylaxis, however, he did have eczema and the occasional stomach ache after eating.

The tests came back with some very surprising results. Cole has a severe intolerance to CORN, a moderate intolerance to gluten and a mild intolerance to dairy. I was floored. I knew that I could not remove all these things at once and I had to do it in stages but corn is in EVERYTHING. Corn is hidden in ingredients under such names as citric acid, ascorbic acid, maltodextrin, dextrin, baking powder, HFCS, corn syrup solids, corn startch, fructose, natural colors, vanilla extract (alcholic), and about 50 other names. To put it lightly, corn is really in every single processed food on the shelf of the average grocery store. But why did he have an intolerance to it? How did this happen? I suspect GMOs because 100% of all the corn that goes into making these "processed ingredients" is GMO. Seeds engineered from Monsanto. Now, this is just my opinion, but I am sticking with it.

Now that I was armed with some new information and was told that there was definitely a lot of things going on in Cole's body, I felt a sense of empowerment. There were changes that could be made to help him, I just needed to start implementing them and it was certainly not going to be easy.  

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