With the help of wonderful friends I was able to do research and find local farms that I felt comfortable with and then started purchasing their food. I also went out to visit one of the farms to see the milking operation. Talk about sanitary. The cows are treated well, they are happy and content. During milking, they are given a little bit of grain (the only grain they get). The milk is pumped through stainless steel equipment that is cleaned with hot steam, bottled immediately, kept at 35 degrees Farenheight and sold with in a couple of days. The cows are continuously evaluated for their health. I feel like I "know" the cow that our milk comes from. How many people that buy pasturized milk can say that? I take my boys to the farmers market in the next town every Wednesday morning to pick up our orders. I am now friends with Chad (the son) and he keeps me updated on new items that the farm may be selling. He is a caring man and answers all questions that I may have regarding his products or farming practices. For example, one week the egg yolks from his free range eggs didn't look as orange as they usually do. He told me that his yolks will be most orange during the spring and summer months when he can get the most betacarotene (through certain veggies) in the chicken feed. I had no idea! Chad's farm is called Carlton Farm located in Rockmart GA. Their website is www.Carltonfarm.com. Every Wednesday I meet people who have been buying his milk and eggs for years. Its become a little community for us now. We chat about our lives and whats new since we last saw eachother.
The other farm that I purchase meat from is located in TN. Its called West Wind Farms and is run by a sweet couple named Kimberlie and Ralph Cole. We have yet to visit them but plan on doing so one day this summer. They send us a list of their meat and cheese selections once a month. Its not just large cuts either. We can get seasoned roast beef, bacon, sausages and bones for stock. They deliver to a host house in my town and I have now become good friends with her. I actually bring her a gallon of raw milk from Carlton Farms once a week because she can't get to the farmers market. She is a keeper for honeybees and harvests honey from them once a year. Its an amazing sight to see but a little scary as well!! My point is that we are a community of people who are opting out of the processed food machine. We are choosing to go back to nature and support local sustainable farms. These farms cultivate the land and improve the environment instead of using up our natural resources. I feel safe when I eat their food. My body feels good knowing its all grass fed without harmful chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics or vaccines. The website for West Wind Farms is www.westwindfarms.com. I am now on the search for raw butter in bulk. These farms need A LOT of cream in order to churn butter and they rarely sell it. I have made it before on my own but it spoils easily. If I can find a farm that sells raw butter, I would be their first customer!
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