At this point I have explained why I have gotten rid of all my old personal care and household care products that contained synthetic and toxic chemicals. I have explained why I stopped buying processed food and conventionally grown produce as well as grocery store meat. Now I will explain how I am able to avoid antibiotics and western medicine in general through preventative measure. I am not saying that doctors are bad. In fact, I think western medicine has its place and can be very important, especially in cases of emergency. I would have died in child birth if it weren't for western medicine and the C section. Both of my boys were breech and were not going to naturally emerge from me. So I am thankful that we have the access to such advanced techniques and medicines for cases of dire need. However, I believe deeply in prevention. I think antibiotics are over prescribed and can cause digestive and immune problems if taken too liberally. Once again I must give credit to these wonderful friends that I have who share their knowledge with me on a daily basis. They introduced me to Young Living. Young Living's core products are pure therapeutic grade essential oils but they also sell nutritional supplements and natural personal care products. The majority of their products contain essential oils and that's what makes them so potent. I know, you are thinking patchouli and hippies and rain dances. But actually there are thousands of essential oils and essential oil blends that each have their own specific effect on the human body. I started out with the basic set of oils that can be used to relieve winter time discomforts. Everytime my boys even had the slightest symptom of stuffy nose, cough or low grade fever, I would put RC on their chest and Raven on their back and with in a day or two they would be back to normal. I just saved the $40 copay at the doctor's office!! I use the Thieves blend which contains cinnamon (a strong antibacterial) on my boy's feet to boost their immune systems and I give them cod liver oil every night before bed. To date, my 17 month old twin boys have had 1 bacterial infection in their entire lifetime. And other than a dog bite which needed antibiotcs, have never had any antibiotcs. I consider this success even if its only been 17 months. I have heard of kids who are on antibiotics every other month. Granted, my boys are at home and aren't exposed to day care and all the germs that go with it. But we have play dates with kids who are in day care and get out as much as any other family does. To me, the immune boosting poswer of the essential oils have helped keep my boys resistant to many of the illnesses they could have gotten. As for me, I take a regimen of 5 different oils once a day to lift my spirits since I suffered from post pardum depression. Before Young Living, I was prescribed an SSRI wich I was reluctant to take. I decided to stick with the oil blends and have had fantastic results. I am calmer when I put them on and more motivated to get my day moving. I won't lie and say I don't have my days. But at least those days are fewer are further between. I am still learning about all the things Young Living has to offer. This post is meant to just scratch the surface of what my experience has been. I plan to add details to some really outstanding products that I have used from their company. Products that are life giving, life extending and life preserving. If you are interested in learning more about Young Living, I happen to be a distributor for the company and you can contact me for more info. www.youngliving.com
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