The organic movement is under attack by the big corporations. I am not going to name names because I used to work for one of these corporations. However, I have much respect for this company and the knowledge I gained from working there but I do not agree with the tactics that are being employed to "get a piece of the organic pie". We all know that organic food is not cheap but there are reasons for this. Usually the farms are smaller scale and it costs more to protect the food from animals when not using pesticides. Many of these organic farms use manual labor to uproot weeds and keep out the critters. But its all worth it for our health.
Big companies are now using "marketing terminology" to fool the consumer into believing they are getting healthy organic food and are charging a premium for these products too!! You will see how your neighborhood grocery store may now have a "green aisle" that for the most part will have only true organic products stocked there. Names like Amy's, Applegate Farms, Ians, Horizon Organic, Dr. Praegger's and more. But mixed into the regular aisles you will find processed food with names like "all natural" or even "organic" on the labels. This is diluting the organic message and putting our health at risk. Don't be fooled. These products have high fructose corn syrup, GMO's, pesticides and many other synthetic and toxic chemicals in them. They think that just because they deiced to use 'natural flavoring' instead of 'artificial flavoring' they have the right to call it all natural. Well news flash people!! Natural flavoring is nothing but synthetic chemicals engineered to taste like fruits or vegetables that are naturally occurring (ie. orange flavor). Artificial flavors are synthetic chemicals engineered to taste like something that does NOT occur in nature (ie. BBQ flavor). I know it must make you feel good to know that Cheetos has now gone "natural" but don't buy it!! It was and still is a garbage processed food made almost entirely out of corn and chemicals. And let me tell you, its not by chance that the word natural is the biggest word on the package. These marketers know that while you are rapidly scanning the aisle for healthy alternatives, words like these will pop out at you and lure you in to buy. We put this word on a pedestal and would never think that the product labeled with this name is anything but!
Other words are being abused as well. Misleading corporate strategies now include redefining the term “local” to mean not locally owned, grown or produced, but just something “close by,” or worse yet, local through association with something else. This is just wrong and unsuspecting consumers will fall prey to tactics like these. This is why I suggest supporting a local farmers market. There you can actually speak to the people growing the food and understand how their farming practices affect the food you eat.
Now is the time that we must get vigilant. The reason why health care costs are out of control is because we are not HEALTHY. We are obese, we have diabetes, cancer, autoimmune and chronic diseases and its mainly due to our DIET. We need to read the ingredients of everything we buy. High fructose corn syrup should not be an ingredient in anything that is deemed to be "organic". If it is then you know you are being duped. If the product has ingredients with more than 4 syllables you can raise your eyebrow as well because 9 out of 10 times it a corn derivative. Words like maltodextrin, dextrose, lecithin, xanthan gun, gum arabic, high oleic safflower oil, etc. Most processed foods contain these and organic impostors will as well.
Staying away from GMOs (genetically modified foods) is harder to do because the ingredients will not tell you if it has been genetically altered. GMOs have only been around since the 1990's and are causing many health problems and unforeseen illnesses and the government is not doing anything about it. The FDA actually supports this type of farming. There are environmental risks too. Scientists are concerned that GMOs will reduce biodiversity which is essential to our long term sustainability on this planet. So check the PLU code on your food to see if it is a GMO.
Here’s what you should look for:
• A four-digit number means the produce is conventionally grown
• A five-digit number beginning with 9 means it's organic
• A five-digit number beginning with 8 means it's GM
Check out this website for a list of GMO free foods http://www.geaction.org/truefood/shoppersguide/
Please don't be fooled by the sneaky marketing tactics of these big companies that are trying to reap the rewards of "being organic". They are still cutting corners and putting our health at risk. Its up to you to take charge of your health and your lifestyle. Taking the time to buy truly local and organic is a form of activism in itself!
Big companies are now using "marketing terminology" to fool the consumer into believing they are getting healthy organic food and are charging a premium for these products too!! You will see how your neighborhood grocery store may now have a "green aisle" that for the most part will have only true organic products stocked there. Names like Amy's, Applegate Farms, Ians, Horizon Organic, Dr. Praegger's and more. But mixed into the regular aisles you will find processed food with names like "all natural" or even "organic" on the labels. This is diluting the organic message and putting our health at risk. Don't be fooled. These products have high fructose corn syrup, GMO's, pesticides and many other synthetic and toxic chemicals in them. They think that just because they deiced to use 'natural flavoring' instead of 'artificial flavoring' they have the right to call it all natural. Well news flash people!! Natural flavoring is nothing but synthetic chemicals engineered to taste like fruits or vegetables that are naturally occurring (ie. orange flavor). Artificial flavors are synthetic chemicals engineered to taste like something that does NOT occur in nature (ie. BBQ flavor). I know it must make you feel good to know that Cheetos has now gone "natural" but don't buy it!! It was and still is a garbage processed food made almost entirely out of corn and chemicals. And let me tell you, its not by chance that the word natural is the biggest word on the package. These marketers know that while you are rapidly scanning the aisle for healthy alternatives, words like these will pop out at you and lure you in to buy. We put this word on a pedestal and would never think that the product labeled with this name is anything but!
Other words are being abused as well. Misleading corporate strategies now include redefining the term “local” to mean not locally owned, grown or produced, but just something “close by,” or worse yet, local through association with something else. This is just wrong and unsuspecting consumers will fall prey to tactics like these. This is why I suggest supporting a local farmers market. There you can actually speak to the people growing the food and understand how their farming practices affect the food you eat.
Now is the time that we must get vigilant. The reason why health care costs are out of control is because we are not HEALTHY. We are obese, we have diabetes, cancer, autoimmune and chronic diseases and its mainly due to our DIET. We need to read the ingredients of everything we buy. High fructose corn syrup should not be an ingredient in anything that is deemed to be "organic". If it is then you know you are being duped. If the product has ingredients with more than 4 syllables you can raise your eyebrow as well because 9 out of 10 times it a corn derivative. Words like maltodextrin, dextrose, lecithin, xanthan gun, gum arabic, high oleic safflower oil, etc. Most processed foods contain these and organic impostors will as well.
Staying away from GMOs (genetically modified foods) is harder to do because the ingredients will not tell you if it has been genetically altered. GMOs have only been around since the 1990's and are causing many health problems and unforeseen illnesses and the government is not doing anything about it. The FDA actually supports this type of farming. There are environmental risks too. Scientists are concerned that GMOs will reduce biodiversity which is essential to our long term sustainability on this planet. So check the PLU code on your food to see if it is a GMO.
Here’s what you should look for:
• A four-digit number means the produce is conventionally grown
• A five-digit number beginning with 9 means it's organic
• A five-digit number beginning with 8 means it's GM
Check out this website for a list of GMO free foods http://www.geaction.org/truefood/shoppersguide/
Please don't be fooled by the sneaky marketing tactics of these big companies that are trying to reap the rewards of "being organic". They are still cutting corners and putting our health at risk. Its up to you to take charge of your health and your lifestyle. Taking the time to buy truly local and organic is a form of activism in itself!
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