Most of us are familiar with garlic as a culinary herb, but did you know that garlic is one of the single best herbs for the cold and flu season? Garlic stimulates the immune system. It helps activate phagocytes to "eat foreign invaders in the body as well as stimulating B and T cell production. Garlic's antimicrobial activity works on viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, yeasts and molds. Allicin- an active constituent in fresh garlic & onions, is a broad spectrum antibiotic. Garlic's anti-viral activity works well on influenza, herpes, and cold sores. It doesn't produce resistant strains of microorganisms and has actually been found to work very well on them.
For the digestive system, Garlic is useful for parasites & fungi. Use it for amoebic dysentery, intestinal parasites, roundworm, and hookworm. Garlic supports healthy bacteria in the GI tract.
The essential oil of garlic comes out through the lungs, urine and blood, making it good for the respiratory system and urinary tract infections. Use Garlic for bronchitis, colds, ear infections, or UTIs.
Garlic is a wonderful tonic for the cardiovascular system. It aids in lowering cholesterol and reducing high blood pressure.
For the digestive system, Garlic is useful for parasites & fungi. Use it for amoebic dysentery, intestinal parasites, roundworm, and hookworm. Garlic supports healthy bacteria in the GI tract.
The essential oil of garlic comes out through the lungs, urine and blood, making it good for the respiratory system and urinary tract infections. Use Garlic for bronchitis, colds, ear infections, or UTIs.
Garlic is a wonderful tonic for the cardiovascular system. It aids in lowering cholesterol and reducing high blood pressure.
I personally use garlic on my children at the first sign of sickness. Here's how I do it: I take about 2-3 cloves and dice them up finely. I mix the diced garlic in extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil and let it oxidize for about 10 minutes. Now it really smells stinky!! I then take the mixture and put it on my kid's feet, in between their toes and on their soles. I put socks on to cover it and make sure the mixture doesn't come off on anything. Then their PJ's go on over it. I do this right before bed so they don't' mind so much. Of course in the morning their room smells like a pasta factory and they need their feet washed, but the symptoms of their cold have diminished greatly and usually I can avoid a major sickness from even happening. Its truly a wonder herb. For us adults, it doesn't hurt to eat garlic daily. Fresh is best so put it on foods that you love or just eat it raw. It will really help build your immune system and also support healthy bacteria in your digestive system. For those out there with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, a garlic tonic can help decrease both. Just dilute fresh squeezed garlic juice with water 1:10 and drink. I know it sounds horrible but the effects are noticeable.
I suggest trying it out now in preparation for the flu season this fall and winter.
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