Remember the media frenzy over the H1N1 virus? We were headed for a pandemic and could possibly be at risk of dying if we were to contract it. It was scary for sure but was it as serious as they claimed it to be? Yes, people did die from it but they were not privy to advanced antiviral drugs like Tamiflu or Relenza. Every year about 100 people die from the 'regular' flu and we aren't sent into a panic over it. So why all the craziness over H1N1? I don't seem to get it but I do want my kids to be protected nevertheless.
The big pharma companies (one I used to work for) are scurrying to put together a vaccine for this fall so that millions of kids can receive a dose of H1N1 and hopefully become immune. Is this the right thing to do for our kids? I did some research and the rush to make this vaccine available to millions is causing the pharma companies to add an adjuvant called squalene that could potentially harm your kids. Squalene (like aluminum in other vaccines) stimulates the immune system to overreact to the virus and produce a 'turbo charged' result. The reason the drug companies add the adjuvant is so that they can lessen the dose of the viral antigen needed to cause an immune reaction and be able to produce more vaccines in a shorter period of time. Don't be surprised when your pediatrician strongly suggests you give your kids this vaccine to protect them this fall/winter.
The problem with squalene is how its delivered to the body. If ingested normally it acts as a beneficial antioxidant in the form of an oil molecule. But if injected, it causes your body to recognize it as a foreign body and attack ALL the squalene in your body not just the vaccine adjuvant squalene. Your body will attack naturally occurring squalene that is vital to the health of the nervous system. This can create a devastating autoimmune effect. I just don't trust it.
I am going to protect myself and my kids naturally by making sure they get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is the likely cause of seasonal flu viruses. Getting an optimal level of vitamin D will help you fight infections of all kinds. Make sure you and your kids get plenty of sleep and exercise and stay away from processed foods which are high in sugar and lack nutrients vital for immune health.
Just this morning on the news I heard that up to 9% of American kids are deficient in vitamin D. This can be easily remedied by giving your kids cod liver oil. I give my boys a teaspoon everyday. Its flavored like berries and they don't mind it at all. It has plenty of vitamin D and A as well as omega 3,6, and 9 fatty acids. We happen to live in a sunny climate where vitamin D is naturally abundant by stepping outside but for people who don't have that luxury, cod liver oil or fish such as salmon and sardines are high in it. Try to consume it naturally before going to enriched or fortified foods with synthetic forms of vitamin D. Your body absorbs it more efficiently if vitamin D is in its natural food state.
So just think about the flu this fall and if its truly necessary to give your kids this new and fast tracked vaccine. I don't personally ever get the regular flu vaccine nor do my kids and I will not be giving them the H1N1 either. But do the research for yourself. If there was a true and serious threat to our health and safety maybe I would think more deeply about it but the facts aren't presenting themselves that way.
Check out http://www.mercola.com/ for more information on the new H1N1 flue vaccine. You will probably have to register for free but his website is a wonderful treasure trove of health facts. Here is the direct link to the article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx
The big pharma companies (one I used to work for) are scurrying to put together a vaccine for this fall so that millions of kids can receive a dose of H1N1 and hopefully become immune. Is this the right thing to do for our kids? I did some research and the rush to make this vaccine available to millions is causing the pharma companies to add an adjuvant called squalene that could potentially harm your kids. Squalene (like aluminum in other vaccines) stimulates the immune system to overreact to the virus and produce a 'turbo charged' result. The reason the drug companies add the adjuvant is so that they can lessen the dose of the viral antigen needed to cause an immune reaction and be able to produce more vaccines in a shorter period of time. Don't be surprised when your pediatrician strongly suggests you give your kids this vaccine to protect them this fall/winter.
The problem with squalene is how its delivered to the body. If ingested normally it acts as a beneficial antioxidant in the form of an oil molecule. But if injected, it causes your body to recognize it as a foreign body and attack ALL the squalene in your body not just the vaccine adjuvant squalene. Your body will attack naturally occurring squalene that is vital to the health of the nervous system. This can create a devastating autoimmune effect. I just don't trust it.
I am going to protect myself and my kids naturally by making sure they get enough vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is the likely cause of seasonal flu viruses. Getting an optimal level of vitamin D will help you fight infections of all kinds. Make sure you and your kids get plenty of sleep and exercise and stay away from processed foods which are high in sugar and lack nutrients vital for immune health.
Just this morning on the news I heard that up to 9% of American kids are deficient in vitamin D. This can be easily remedied by giving your kids cod liver oil. I give my boys a teaspoon everyday. Its flavored like berries and they don't mind it at all. It has plenty of vitamin D and A as well as omega 3,6, and 9 fatty acids. We happen to live in a sunny climate where vitamin D is naturally abundant by stepping outside but for people who don't have that luxury, cod liver oil or fish such as salmon and sardines are high in it. Try to consume it naturally before going to enriched or fortified foods with synthetic forms of vitamin D. Your body absorbs it more efficiently if vitamin D is in its natural food state.
So just think about the flu this fall and if its truly necessary to give your kids this new and fast tracked vaccine. I don't personally ever get the regular flu vaccine nor do my kids and I will not be giving them the H1N1 either. But do the research for yourself. If there was a true and serious threat to our health and safety maybe I would think more deeply about it but the facts aren't presenting themselves that way.
Check out http://www.mercola.com/ for more information on the new H1N1 flue vaccine. You will probably have to register for free but his website is a wonderful treasure trove of health facts. Here is the direct link to the article: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/08/04/Squalene-The-Swine-Flu-Vaccines-Dirty-Little-Secret-Exposed.aspx
While i agree that this is getting out of hand, i think your ideas about vaccines are a tad off. sure, we have vaccines for the flu. but they take quite a while to make in any large quantity. the pharmaceutical companies start R&D for the yearly vaccines far in advance by using flu strain forecasting techniques. they then stockpile vaccines, hopeing they forecasted correctly. if they didn't we'd run short while they tried to catch up (happened a few years back, actually).
ReplyDeletei've honestly been too busy with work to follow along more than cursorily with this swine flu thing, so i don't know what our vaccine situation is. my guess, however, is that we don't have the optimum vaccine for it, since it's a strain that jumped species (pretty tough to prepare for, since it can happen out of nowhere). however, given the mortality rate here in the US, i'm not worrying myself overly. just head to the doctor when you start getting symptoms and chances are you'll be just fine.
Thanks for the post.
coupe faim
Sandra, I agree completely with your comment. Not sure where where we differ in opinion actually? My post about the H1N1 vaccine is about the additives and how harmful they are to the human body. My point is that preventing the virus can be achieved without taking the vaccine. The regular flu virus vaccine(as being a former employee of Novartis the maker of the vaccine) is made in the summer when they can go to Asia and see what types of influenza strains are infecting the population over there. They then predict that these will be the strains to hit the US. They are not always correct. That is why I do not get the flu vaccine or any other. Thank you for reading my blog and sharing a comment. I really appreciate it!
People with the flu, particularly children and adolescents, may be at an increased risk of self injury and confusion shortly after taking TAMIFLU and should be closely monitored for signs of unusual behavior. A healthcare professional should be contacted immediately if the patient taking TAMIFLU shows any signs of unusual behavior.
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