Thursday, August 6, 2009

Food Inc.

The movie is out now and is playing at many movie theaters nationally. You can most likely find it at a theater that usually carries independent and foreign films but some mainstream theaters are showing it too. This movie is a must see. If you read my BLOG and are getting something out of the posts I write, then go see this movie. It puts visuals to the things I have been talking about. You will see with your own eyes what a CAFO looks like. How the animals are treated, what they are fed, injected with and how short their pathetic lives are. You will see how strong big Agra's lobby is in Washington and how they are in bed with the FDA (who is supposedly out to protect us - right). Big Agra (Cargill and a couple of others) own the CAFO's, the corn elevators and the corn processing plants. They have even gotten into the fake sugar business (Truvia) as if they didn't have their hands in enough already. Cargill is one of the largest (if not the largest) privately held companies in the world. It wields a lot of power in this country, more than we are privy to. You will be witness to the extinction of the small farm and the proliferation of monoculture and corn/soy crops that wind up as the main ingredients in all processed foods. Food Inc. is an eye opener and will hopefully change the way we think about our diets. If enough people see this movie and actually do something about the way we eat, the horrible farming/herding/CAFO practices may become obsolete. Of course this will take time but we as the main consumers have the power. The power truly rests with us. If we choose not to eat this food, there will be less demand for it and eventually less supply. Be an activist (as a friend put it so nicely) and go see the movie. Then please share your comments about it on my BLOG. I would appreciate it!

Here is the link to the trailer - enjoy!

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